We lucked out a month ago and got in on a terrific deal on Utah's Pass of All Passes. We get to go to water parks and lots of fun sporting and other events. The other plus for us, is that on Mondays, we get to go to the Tracy Aviary, as well. We've been several times now, and the kids really do love it. Today, we hit the aviary again. It wasn't terribly busy, and we got there in time to see the bird show before we had our picnic lunch.

At the show, we got to see an adorable toucan named Ingrid.
An emu, aptly named, Sydney, who was a rather funny guy. As well as a rather shy parrot.
I think the kids favorite part was running around pretending to migrate across the stumps and stones labeled with flyover stops for birds migrating through this area. It was a hit.

The eyelashes on the hornbills kill me.
They were extremely interested in the kids. We had a whole gathering.

These guys shared their enclosure with a special surprise -- very new ducklings. There were 10 of them, and the mama duck was frantic trying to keep track of them as they swam and ran all over her. The father duck was sleeping in the corner of the enclosure.
The kids thought this was pretty funny. :)