Zhara, the mathematician, cannot be stopped. She has a multiplication workbook thing she got from the dollar section at Target. Did the whole thing while Winnie was at tumbling today. Played more math games from Math Missions today. She is all over it.
We also talked about why honey bees are disappearing today and read an article from Mother Earth News about pesticide use that is killing the bee population. She is now reading through the Kids Green Book that she found on the bookshelf and is showing us how peppers rot and things decay in compost.
Angus is, as always, asking to do dinosaur projects and more dinosaur projects, and Zhara is making him "play" school which seems to involve a lot of her saying "no, it's not time for that," and the "books have to be organized here." Giggling a little that her version of school seems so damn oppressive versus how she schools now.
Zhara REALLY wants to dye her hair black and blue. I think I'm gonna let her. Heck, it's hard to say no, when my own hair is rarely the same color for more than a month or two. I really need to find her some good kid's fashion design stuff to work on, too, since she loves fashion so much. She has a kids' sewing machine, so maybe next week we will pull that out and I will show her some basic sewing and sketching skills.
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