This morning we drove to Lakeside Nature Center to take part in E.D.U.C.A.T.E.'s Preschool Power Pals program for Angus and Winnie, but we all ended up having tons of fun. Wow, that is a neat place. We had never been before. It definitely will not be our last time there. And the kids had a blast at Power Pals, even Zhara. There were tons of kids there of all ages, and lots of parents to talk to. It was a really good time, and definitely something we will do again soon.

Zhara quizzes Angus on types of animal tracks and fur. It was a great exhibit, and they had a blast figuring it out.

Winnie and a friend, James, put on several puppet shows.

The kids loved this immense snapping turtle. It was huge, and put on quite a show by moving about and opening and closing it's mouth for them.

We could hardly get Winnie away from this microscope. Perhaps she has a science career in her future???

Everybody had to measure their "wings" next to a bald eagle's wingspan. None of us were as wide. The real bald eagle in the huge flyby enclosure next to this seemed to think we were crazy for trying.

Coloring owls while we looked outside at the real birds flying around the feeders in the rain.

Winnie can't pass up a good puzzle, especially if there are animals involved.
We are off in a few minutes for another free afternoon swim at Coco Key, and then after dinner, Angus has drum lessons. Never a dull (or quiet) moment here at the Rebel Kids Homeschool.
My son was really interested in the snapping turtle. He drew one in his creature books recently and liked your photo.