A Snowy Time
Today is a very snowy day. Well, actually, it is very rainy, and then snowy in the way of enormous snowflakes the size of your head, and then rainy again. Apprently Sunday is supposed to get even snowier. Hands up for those who are done with winter? Me, me, me!
Of American Girls and Sheep
Yesterday we had American Girl Club where I demonstrated spinning wool into yarn for the kids because they are reading the Josephina books. They seemed to enjoy the spinning, they also made traditional Mexican cookies and decorated memory boxes. It was a full time.
Cooking Class
Then we came home and had our final cooking coop class. The kids made dinner (with some help from me) for their parents. Everyone had at least one parent in attendance, and some had two. We had a full house. They made spaghetti, salad, and strawberry upside down cake. It was very well received, and the kids had fun running crazy through the house together.
Another Piggy Bites the Dust
This morning Winnie had tumbling. Which was fun, and, as usual, she loved it... until the very end, when she ran barefoot through the door to the lobby, pulling the heavy metal door onto her big toe. There it stuck, and she screamed, wailed, and pulled, further gouging it into her foot. I got the door off, but her toe is horribly messed up. One of the other mom's is a nurse. She said that it might be broken, but that she didn't think it was fractured and that, as I suspected, she didn't think they would do much of anything for it if it is broken... since it's a toe. It's also really cut up. So it got cleaned up and taped up, and then re-cleaned and taped when it got home, and it looks like Ms. Wednesday will be sans shoes for a few weeks. Poor little budgie.
Tie Dye
The kids have decided that they want to do a dance for the E.D.U.C.A.T.E homeschool Talent Show. After much discussion, they have settled on Candy Band's punk rock version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. There will be some choreographing, apparently, but most of it will be pretty free form. According to Zhara, however, costuming is key. They tie dyed t-shirts today. I found spray can dye at Hobby Lobby (OMG, so infinitely easier to use for the kids than regular dye) and today we sprayed and dyed t-shirts for their costumes, then when they are completely dry tomorrow, they will decorate them further with washable glitter, etc. Zhara spent her Valentine's money from the grandparents today at Target on black pleather rock-star pants. An investment of $8. She means business here.
Fun! Can't wait to see their dance ;-)