Yay, I know, we disappeared off the face of the planet there for several months. Utah will do that to you. We're moved and settled. We've found a niche in a nice little unschooling community here in Utah. I have taken over planning outings for the group twice a month, and thus, we have met several very cool families here through that. We spend a lot of time heading into Salt Lake, as Lehi is small and very conservative by our standards. Let's see, what's up with the kiddos...
Zhara -- is 9 now, still fashion-obsessed. She is still drawing fashion sketches in almost every spare moment. She also loves working on the computer, often on fashion games and programs. I think design school may be somewhere in her future, or maybe she'll just end up on Project Runway. She is starting to get interested in sewing, so we are going to set up one of the machines up here in the kitchen so I can help her some with the basics as she starts out. She roller skates almost everywhere now. And she has made a couple of new best friends who are homeschooled -- Olivia and Manee. Overall Zhara is becoming a totally mellow awesome kid. I never thought she'd mellow, but there you go. She is taking piano and karate, and loving both of them. She even practices piano of her own free will. Who knew?
Angus -- is 6 now, huge and missing several teeth. He is still dinosaur and Lego obsessed. He is also loving our new puppy, Olly. They have become best buddies. He has made good friends here, too -- Owen and Joshua, also homeschooled. Mostly they spend the bulk of their time dressing up like superheroes, and annoying the sisters.
Wednesday -- is 3 now. Tall and skinny, and still just as crazy and talkative as before. She loves the mountains (as do we all), and spends the bulk of her days as naked as possible. She loves going to the library, and then sitting down and reading every book she can get her hands on when we get home.
We still adore homeschooling, and feel absolutely blessed to have found unschooling when we did. Our entire life as a family has changed in wonderful ways. The kids help me cook and bake and work in the garden. They watch movies and ask a thousand questions about what they see in them. They play games and do art and we read. It's good. They are so open and ready to learn in every moment, even those when they are fighting with each other tooth and nail.
Utah has taken some major getting used to. On many days we have been ready to chuck it all, and head back to the plains, but Adam is doing good work, and we are learning new things and meeting new people, so it is worth it all in all. At least that's what I'm telling myself today. :)

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